For a week and a half. Here are some highlights:

On a mountain in the Andes in Colca Canyon

The fam in Colca Canyon

Daddy, Laura, and me hot tubbing in the 'casita' with a view!

A bird on my shoulder!!

We fed baby alpacas, they were 10 months old

So cute and fuzzy!

The spa/pool at the casitas in Colca Valley

Shoe Action

River rafting in Cuzco!!!

Beef, Alpaca, and Ostrich. Ostrich was my fave.

Jumping at the Fortress of Ollantaytambo

Peru Rail to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu!!

Walking to the Sun Gate

Llama friend and soaking wet from the rain

All of the Incan pottery in storage at the Larco Herrera Museum
(there were at least 20 other full huge cases like this one)