Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Prints & Patterns #2

Some more new patterns!!  I've been trying really hard to keep them under wraps so when the new products are ready it'll be that much more of an exciting surprise.  But I just couldn't contain myself, oh well.  There are still a few that I haven't shown so stay tuned for those!


Icon Tricon

Long Arrow Illustration

Long Arrow

I'm super pumped about all of the new patterns I've been making and all of the top secret items that will be for sale soon using them.  I had a little fabric left over so I decided to make some sick fabric buttons. Having the fabric texture on the button is far superior to that lame plastic covering.  It also makes them more water resistant since it's just fabric so it will dry if it gets wet unlike the paper versions which just get ruined.  Snag them here or keep an eye out for them at future Mokuyobi Threads shows!!

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