Friday, September 28, 2012

Future Hits Flags

Okay, I know.  Enough with the flags.  This will be my last flag post for a while.  When I was at the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago a member of the Chicago based band Future Hits saw my flags and told me it was exactly what they were looking for as a sign for the band.  I was happy to oblige with a custom flag order.  Future Hits makes educational kid friendly songs.  They imbed creativity and culture into the classroom with fuzzy, poppy tunes that have spelling words, literacy themes, and social emotional learning outcomes engrained in the lyrics.  Give them a listen!

He wanted the flags to emulate the practice paper you use when learning to write.  He also wanted to have the letters written in cursive since cursive is being left in the dust and he wants to bring it back to the spotlight!  I really had to step up my cursive game since I probably haven't written in cursive since 5th grade when we were required to write papers by hand in cursive (kill me).  And signing your name doesn't count.

A really fun element that he wanted to add to the flags was to make the consonants and the vowels different colors so you could tell them apart and even by just looking at the flag you are LEARNING!! I made them all different shapes and sizes so they looked more mix and match-y and playful.  I even made a 'space' flag to avoid confusion with letter spacing since futurehits is not a word.  I even made it a different color so it would look different and also to not confuse it with a consonant/vowel because it is neither.

I added tabs on the flags so they would be able to easily hang them up and take them down for a show. It also makes them hang really even and looks like the flags could connect which I like a lot.

Total win! I can't wait for them to hang them up for their next show!  I hope they send me a picture.


  1. Wow this looks superb! I am lurking the net for possible marketing ideas for my newly built business and by just reading your blog I think I need to find flagpole parts and start creating my own advertising flags.

  2. Hello,
    This post is really awesome & informative.
    Advertising Flags
