Monday, October 15, 2012

Comic Con Vintage Sheets Hats

Comic Con was a blast!!!!  Saw lots of crazy costumes, met some super cool people, and got to hang with old friends.  Here's the Mokuyobi Threads booth:

We debuted awesome 5 panel hats that were made from vintage bedsheets that include cool Mickey, Rugrats, Goosebumps, Rainbow Brite, Popples, Pokemon, Superman, and Pacman.

They were a HUGE hit and we sold out of a couple of them but we still have a few left of the ones pictured below that you can purchase HERE while supplies last!!  AND they're on sale, bonus!

Some of the ones I sold out of I was completely not expecting.  It's hard to know what vintage stuff other people like when you obvi have your own personal faves.

This was kind of a test run for five panel hats and it was a total success!  Mokuyobi Threads is coming out with a TON of new patterns (originals this time) in 5 panel hats and wallets in late November like the one pictured below!

Keep an eye out for those, they're gonna be SUPER sick.  Can't wait, you'll see.

1 comment:

  1. So you dont have anymore Mickeys and Rugrats hats? ):
    Cool stuff by the way : )
