Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pop of Color/Vintage Feeling Treasuries

I get emails from Etsy every week that feature specific categories of items or new shops.  I'm always amazed that there are STILL new people making shops and joining etsy.  I can't even fathom how many people are on there selling handmade and vintage goods.  While of course everything won't be the best, coolest, or most well made items I certainly like digging through the listings to find the real gems.  I made two treasuries of some sweet stuff I found from some really cool shops so check it out!

I just love this little guy!  Too bad I don't eat mustard.

For the second treasury I was inspired by items with a more vintage feel even if the actual items weren't vintage:

 Some real winners in this list How cute is this little boy teapot?

And this Humpty Dumpty cardboard chip container? How has this not been snatched up yet?

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