Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mowgli Surf

Mowgli Surf is the coolest surf clothing brand on the planet and you can quote me. They make the most radical tees, tanks, shorts, sweatpants, and more that sport unique hand stamped and air brushed design techniques as well as a variety of dye processes that blow my mind with each new season they roll out with. They are based in California and all of their products are made in the USA. Mowgli is also one of the brands that Without Walls, Urban Outfitter's new fitness/active lifestyle brand carries along with Mokuyobi (see previous post). The two Mowgli co-founders are actually the nicest dudes I've ever met so prepare yourselves for a glowing review.

Mowgli is run by dream team identical twin brothers Alex and Philip Seastrom, and yes I know what you're thinking, even their last name gives a nod to Earth's water, can you say destiny? Philip does all of the artwork surrounding their brand with the occasional outside artist thrown in. And can I just say this boy has some talent! All of his artwork perfectly embodies Mowgli's entire aesthetic. Alex being the math and business whiz that he is manages production like a true professional, and Philip is always there to back him up.

You definitely need to be an awesome type of human to rock their gear. Mowgli's slogan, enemy of the average, shows their ease of being individuals and standing out from the crowd which they do so well with literal flying colors. When you throw on a Mowgli tee you can practically feel the wind blowing off of the Pacific Ocean and through your sun streaked beachy curls with California Love playing in the background.

If that description didn't immediately bring you some strong west coast vibes then I guess I just suck at writing. Now that you are completely filled in on the life story of the Mowgli brothers, check out the photos below of some of their designs but don't forget to grab your shades because their future is looking bright! I apologize in advance for all of the 'selfies' but you're just gonna have to deal. Check out their website here for their blog and stockists and be sure to follow them on instagram for some surf pics that will make you jelly you're not west coast bound.

If I ran the world, these shorts would be the required uniform.

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