Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mokuyobi in the World

It's been so much fun to see all of the Mokuyobi Threads product interaction images coming in through instagram. Seeing Mokuyobi out in the world and in people's daily lives is a truly amazing, exciting, and motivating thing. Here are some of my favorites:

     poripop, swinya

     btbytong, janetnerd

     ammi3z, StefanDehod

     mokuyobi_thailand, magg

     potsoil, catsandflowers

     lickmycupcakes, bear_made

     mokuyobi_thailand, joijoice

     lepetitpot, catspidereven

     silverliningnails, thailand

     mabimorales, lepetitpot

     maneemejai, gowithoutwalls

     gowithoutwalls, jessedodds


I just had to throw in this horse kiss pic! So good!

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