Monday, October 7, 2013

Brooklyn Craft Camp

On October 5th I went to the 2nd annual Brooklyn Craft Camp!  The first time I went it was a fun day of crafting, relaxing, and networking so I came back for more!  I participated in some pretty sweet crafty classes like tassel making, machine knitted necklace, needle felting, and stamp making.  It's always a party when you're getting crafty.  Check out some stuff I made!


I < 3 Nametags!

Class #1: Multi-color suede tassel keychain: hot glue is your friend!

Class #2: Machine knitted necklace: mesmerizing and confusing but definitely my new fave project!!

In action!

Class #3: I learned to needle felt!  Needle felting is a technique that doesn't seem like it would work.  You're basically just poking a ball of wool repeatedly with a needle, that's it.  Seems a little suspicious, right?  But it totally works!  Check out the bear face and weird Smurf Madonna person/thing I made (I don't know, it just happened)  Look at those eyebrows!

My hand for size comparison

Class #4: Hand carved stamp/custom stationary!  This was my last class of the day, hand carving your own stamp is the best because you can make it so ridiculous.  Most people made their initials or letter of their first name which looked pretty cool but if I'm sending a letter to you, you already know who it's from by looking at my snazzy return addy label so instead I want to remind you how amazing nonsense can be with my womp stamped WOMP-tionary!  Success! womp.

 Other stations included a Pom station with Pom expert Sarah Goldschadt, I made this adorable little pin.  She is a crafty expert!  Check out her stuffs here!

You can make one for yourself!  There are how-to instructions in her new book Pom Poms! which I bought at the crafting event.  I also picked up Stitched Gifts, an awesome embroidery projects book by my friend, Jessica Marquez.  Check out her stuffs here!

And this rad boy band-esque photo we took at the end at the photo booth station! Good times!  Jessica is on the left and on the right the amazing Lindsay of maker community site, Kollabora!  Check it out!

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