Thursday, August 29, 2013

Neon Acrylic + Watercolor Paintings

Sometimes I forget how awesome watercolors are.  After doing the topographic watercolor map series paintings I was amped to do some more painting but wanted to branch out into more abstract and nonsense as per usual.  I was also looking for a project to use some neon acrylic paint I forgot I had.  So far I have finished 3 but only two count since the 3rd was just sort of a warm up mess.  Here's the three framed:

Close-ups of the two on the left:

I was going for abstract figurative and I like this style, I hope to paint more like this in the future.  Here's an in progress photo of the second painting:

I also recently participated in the Sketchbook Project's Pen Pal Painting Exchange where you get a 4" x 4" canvas to paint.  When you're done you mail it back to them along with a little postcard about yourself filled out and they match your painting with another participant's submission, swap the paintings, and send each other's paintings back to your newly matched pen pal.  Here is the painting I submitted:

Here is the wall of all of the mini painting submissions at the Brooklyn Art Library Gallery exhibition.  You can see more photos on the Sketchbook Project's flickr.

In-progress photo of my mini painting:

Close-up of my warm up painting:

And a photo of all 3 in their new happy home above my cutting table!


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