Friday, February 8, 2013

Ecuador & The Galapagos Islands

I recently went on a trip with my family and Axel to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  It was an amazing trip.  The islands are ridiculous because they keep them super pristine.  Most of the islands are just the natural habitat which you can only visit by doing an excursion cruise where you hike on the islands, snorkel, and swim with the sea lions.  

All of the animals that you see on the islands have no predators so you can get ridiculously close to them which makes a lot of opportunities for some sweet pics.  We saw a lot of tortoises and they are GIANT!! Seriously like little dinosaurs.  Apologies for the length of this post but I couldn't cut anything else out!! Have a look:

The mini ship 

Ship deck 

 Iguana, look at those crazy colors! His face is so textured!

What a puff chest. 

Blue footed booby! They dance!

 Baby sea lion! Adorbs.

Grasshoppers doing their business

Look at this guy!

How is this even real?

 Axel stalking a tortoise. The tortoise isn't too thrilled.

Me in a tortoise shell, these dudes are seriously huge. 

The crazy squish ground and my toe shoes. 

 Sea turtle love.

After the cruise we were back in the actual country of Ecuador in a city called Otavalo.

I dig these poles.

Then we were off to this sweet lodge in the rainforest which took forever to get to but was SO worth it.

 Super cool foliage


 More plants! How cool are all the colors?

 GIANT millipede (iPhone for reference)

 Monina flower: totally my fave.

 Oh hey, Toucan.

 Stick bug and frogs!!

 Hummingbird brunch party.

A fun flower and a sneaky bird!

Inside the lodge!

 Handstand at the old equator, kisses at the new (more accurate) equator

Some awesome colorful houses on hills in Quito

More fun colored buildings!

The End!

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