Thursday, March 7, 2013

Color Your World

There are so many colorful installations/buildings/photographs of things in the world.  I get super inspired every time I peruse the internet and find stuff like this, like whoa.  Behold! A mish mash of colorful images...

Church Mural Installation by Hence

Manarola- a small town in Northern Italy

Humlegârden apartment in Stockholm, Sweden    more photos

Christopher Janney installation at Miami International Airport

Koban Police Station in Japan by Klein Dytham   more photos

Reese Elementary School, New York

Bronson Caves Series by Brice Bischoff,  Los Angeles, Ca

Douglas Coupland's "second" home, Vancouver   more photos

1965 Plymouth Barracuda

Toy Car Installation, 2,500 Cars by David T. Waller

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