Thursday, November 22, 2012


Probably the hardest part of doing craft fairs is getting your display just right.  I've been doing them for a while and every time I make tweaks and changes to improve my display but I'm never satisfied with it.  When looking around the Brooklyn Flea one day I found a bunch of awesome fixer upper items to step up my display game.  The first was this wooden mess of a drawer with a rusty handle that was dirty, weathered, and chipping that I got a good deal on that had little cubby holes that fit my wallets perfectly.  After I sanded it down for an hour or so it started looking pretty sweet:

Next came the gesso spray even though the sanded wood looked pretty nice, I wanted to give it a more finished look:

I also got a bunch of wooden boxes that were super cheap and super gross.  After cleaning them with a damp paper towel I started to apply the gesso to these guys:

Once they dried it was time to get fancy with some color spray paint.  Totally transformed!

Here's the three boxes finished also shown with a sweet metal tin I got that I also spray painted, of course.

I came across some awesome mason jars with tension tops and thought they would be really rad filled with paint:

I really love how these came out.  Mini photo shoot:

All the colors!!!!

I left the inside of the drawer sections white and painted the edges to really make the sections pop and painted the handle fluorescent red for another contrast.

Totally official new display!

See it in action in the next posts!

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