Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tumblr and Sparkbox

Well, I finally updated my tumblr with a sweet new design and I will be constantly uploading super awesome inspiring and crafty photos from my extensive internet image searching to start the spark under your proverbial creative engines. I also added a tumblr link on the right column.  Let's get started!


I collect a lot of images for inspiration, ideas, etc. and for a really long time I had a hard time figuring out how to organize them.  I was using iPhoto for a while which was ok because I could divide the images into sections which I would literally fill books with:

But as you can imagine it's super time consuming and costly to print out all of those images and cut and glue each one into a book.  So I wanted to find an awesome program/app that would make my life easier.  Of course it had to be mac friendly and have an aesthetically pleasing design.  I also wanted to be able to not just group them into folders but be able to search within all of the images for specific tags that I would assign.  That's when I found SPARKBOX!

Sparkbox is an awesome (free) mac app that makes it super easy to manage your images in a clean image library where you can tag and organize photos to your heart's content.  Best of all it let's you search by color!

Now get sparking! You're welcome.

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