Sunday, July 1, 2012


What a ride!!  I totally planned to update photos while I was in Europe.  We were so busy that it clearly didn't happen.  No worries, I will amaze you all now with awesome photos and things I found.  But first an illustration about my flight from NYC to Stockholm:

Traveling in style!!!

For the record, Stockholm, Sweden was my favorite place we visited!  Everyone there is young and blonde!  It's strange and awesome.  I would've fit right in except that I'm too short and Swedish doesn't come out of my mouth when I talk.

Kid's section at Åhléns dept. store, bunny lamps!

Clever receipt holder from a delicious restaurant and a sweet sign for a science fiction bookstore.

Awesome Matryoshka set and fun store display.

Tivoli Gröna Lund Amusement Park: BEST ROLLER COASTER EVER, and a giant Kex (new fave candy) that I totally didn't win.

Sweet poster and some awesome stacking chairs in a design store.

Delicious Swedish candy (Kex included) and their awesomely fun blue subway cars

Colorful woven textiles and silly drawings by Hiram, one of the most popular food writers of all time at Nordiska Museet (Nordic Museum)

More of the textile exhibit at the Nordic Museum.  They had tons of old awesome embroidered fabrics.

Adorable little tool store, look how fun!  And the house I'm going to buy in Sweden.  How cute is that?!?

Next stop: Copenhagen, Denmark!

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