Sunday, January 29, 2012

Custom Circus Dress

Circus Carnival (below) is one of the earlier prints I did but one of my faves.  I hadn't really done anything with it after I made it aside from putting it in my print portfolio until my friend Amy saw it and needed to own a dress made with this fabric print.  I was happy to oblige.

Amy is from the UK and worked here in the US for a few years.  As things go we left figuring out the details of the dress until the day before she was heading back to the Queen.  Thankfully I finished in time and when she came to pick up her dress we also had ourselves a bit of a photo-shoot, obviously. 
Doesn't it look super adorable on her?  Everyone in England is gonna be super jealz.

It has pockets and adjustable straps (so fancy).  An awesome red zipper in the back gives the dress some pop!

We had way too much fun during our shoot, haha.  Catch you on the flip side, Amy!!

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