Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cheeseburger Backpack

I've really done it this time.  Cheeseburger Backpack.  I've combined the two most useful objects in the world.  Cheeseburgers for eating and backpacks for carrying all of your cheeseburgers, obviously.  The though of it was dreamed up by a boy who came to visit my booth at Renegade Chicago in September.  His mom wanted to buy custom backpacks for him and his sister (since I had sold out of everything by that point).  So I showed them all of the pattern fabrics I had and then he pointed at my cheeseburger pillow and exclaimed, "I WANT A CHEESEBURGER BACKPACK!"  And I told him it had never been done before but I was willing to embark on a cheeseburger journey for him.  I guess that pretty much sold it and I'm so glad cause look how awesome it is.  His sister chose 3D glasses which is funny because that's the only other fabric I hadn't made a backpack out of yet.  BEHOLD THE FRESHLY SEWN CHEESEBURGER BAG...

Don't ask me how I got these pieces to match up because I'm not actually sure myself.

The sister's awesome 3D glasses backpack!

Since I was in Australia while they were waiting for their bags to get made I felt bad so I threw in these awesome matching pouches for them (with some super awesome secret stickers inside).  I really love how on the cheeseburger pouch you can hardly see the zipper it just blends in with the mustard on the burger. Zipper burger anyone?

I am also stoked to announce that I really really won't be making any more of these backpacks (really this time).  There's a time and a place for every bag and this backpack style is past its prime.  It needs to move aside for the new, the awesome, the improved.  Honestly I'm just really tired of making this backpack style.  Stay tuned.

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