Thursday, July 23, 2015

Artists You Should Know: Yukai Du

More talented artists from the reaches of the internet! I was delighted to stumble across Yukai Du recently, an illustrator from Guangzhou, China who lives and works in London. The color palettes she uses mixed with the soft edges of her lines make her work a treat for the eyes! Check her out on instagram here and see more below!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Whatever Lab

I got commissioned to do another quilted flag by the significant other of one of the people I made the Future Hits flag for! Formerly the Kite Collective, Whatever Lab is the name of a project by a teaching artist that works on facilitating creative projects to draw attention to the senses and the outdoor.

Below is my sketch of the flag and then follow the progress below that! I cut the text out of white jersey and machine stitched the edges. Each shape I cut out, sewed, turned inside out, and top stitched all over the flag filling it in piece by piece. Once the front was done I cut out the top section, layered the front, back, and quilt filling and then sewed it all together with tabs on the back to hang.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Embroidered Back Patches

I took some of the most awesome regular sized Mokuyobi patches and blew them up into giant embroidered patches so you can sport them on the back of your jean jacket or vest! The three winners were Summer Burger, Galaxy Planet, and Watermelon. They are all available in the Mokuyobi Store!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Boroughs Chocolate Bar

I worked with Australian store The Boroughs to outfit a chocolate bar made by artisan chocolatier Jade Bentley from East Brunswick institution Monsieur Truffe. The bars are made exclusively for The Boroughs where they offer three flavors: Fruit & Nut and Cherry & Coconut are wrapped in art by Sandra Eterovic and Molly Rose Dyson respectively. The third type, milk chocolate mixed with colorful popping candy is wrapped in my Future Progression print. It's a popping treat! Check it out here!